RSSArchive for May, 2014


Dr. Kaku signs copies of his latest book for a crowd of fans at a recent book fair.

Dr. Kaku’s latest bestselling book, THE FUTURE OF THE MIND, continues to be a blockbuster hit. Every book signing event has attracted enormous crowds of Kaku fans, a unique and growing group of wonderful people spanning all ages and walks of life. A wonder for science and an enthusiasm about the future unifies this amazing cross-section of the world that might not come together any other way. Dr. Kaku thanks you for showing up and making this launch such a resounding success.

More About THE FUTURE OF THE MINDAre YOU a Kaku fan? Help spread the word, expand the Kaku fan base online and off. Help to make THE FUTURE OF THE MIND Dr. Kaku’s most successful book ever. If you haven’t picked up your own copy, please BUY IT NOW. Better yet, please pick up some extra copies to give to your loved ones and work associates. Not only does it make a great gift for anyone and everyone — your generosity will make the world a better place.