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Official Website of Dr. Michio Kaku

Commentary on about LHC

Doomsday-watchers around the world breathed a sign of relief last Wednesday when the LHC was finally turned on and … well … nothing happened.

Don’t Buy Into The Supercollider Hype

Don’t Buy Into The Supercollider Hype – If you can read this sentence, congratulations! You just survived the official opening of the LHC, which an army of critics claim might create mini black holes that will devour the earth. Read an article by Dr. Kaku featured in the Wall Street Journal

Dr. Kaku to appear on panel of judges for MTV’s Engine Room

Tune into MTV on September 15th as Teams of Digital Artists from Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America using HP Technology to Compete in Creative Challenges for a $400,000 Prize! Teams will be judged by an eclectic panel of iconic artists, musicians, filmmakers, celebrities and innovators – Dr. Kaku is one of those judges.

Read the Press Release and also visit the MTV Engine Room Website to find out more

Dr. Kaku joins MSNBC to discuss the LHC

MSNBC interviewed Dr. Kaku about the LHC and published an interactive video feature on their website

Read more about the worries and wonders surrounding the project that took more than 30 years of planning, 14 years of building and $10 billion Dollars.