All Entries in the "News Appearances" Category
Discovery Channel’s Sci-Trek: Mining on the Moon
Elements like hydrogen and oxygen, trapped in the lunar soil, are the keys to a permanent colony and for future missions to Mars and beyond.
Watch Dr. Kaku on the Discovery Channel’s Sci-Trek December 11th – Check your Local Listings
History Channel’s Deep Space Disasters
Watch Dr. Kaku on the History Channel’s Deep Space Disasters: In space travel there is a saying that the first 50 miles and the last 50 miles are the most dangerous. Explore the controlled explosion of launch, the fiery crucible of reentry and everything in between. View the Schedule for the show
Three Physicists share Nobel Prize
An American and two Japanese physicists won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work exploring the hidden symmetries among elementary particles that are the deepest constituents of nature. Read a Commentary in Forbes (Beauty is Truth) by Michio Kaku about the award.
Impossible Science
A recent interview with the Daily Grail covering everything from the UFO phenomenon, to whether consciousness defines reality, and also touching on some of the more controversial science stories about today (most notably, the LHC & Active SETI.)
Read the entire interview at The Daily Grail
The Telescope: 400 Years and Counting
Quick — name the invention that has done most to redefine our place in the universe. Hint: This invention was also the most seditious, blasphemous instrument of all time, shaking the very foundations of society. The answer, if you haven’t already guessed it, is the telescope. Read the article “The Telescope: 400 Years and Counting”
Commentary on about LHC
Doomsday-watchers around the world breathed a sign of relief last Wednesday when the LHC was finally turned on and … well … nothing happened.
Don’t Buy Into The Supercollider Hype
Don’t Buy Into The Supercollider Hype – If you can read this sentence, congratulations! You just survived the official opening of the LHC, which an army of critics claim might create mini black holes that will devour the earth. Read an article by Dr. Kaku featured in the Wall Street Journal
Dr. Kaku joins MSNBC to discuss the LHC
MSNBC interviewed Dr. Kaku about the LHC and published an interactive video feature on their website
Read more about the worries and wonders surrounding the project that took more than 30 years of planning, 14 years of building and $10 billion Dollars.
Watch Dr. Kaku on The Science Channel every Sunday night
Watch the Science Channel Promo for the Show
Dr. Kaku writes for SciFi Blog: How you can Change the World
Dr. Kaku contributes his thoughts to a new Sci Fi blog site that will bring you amazing ideas from the frontiers of innovation and help set forth first steps in helping solve some of the challenges we face today.
Read it and join the conversation.
Dr. Kaku is presented with the Klopsteg Memorial Award
Dr. Kaku was presented with the 2008 Klopsteg Memorial Award by the AAPT last month. The Honor Recognizes ‘Extraordinary Accomplishments in Communicating the Excitement of Physics to the General Public’ .
Physics of the Impossible hits the NY Times Best Seller List
Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku hit the NY Times Bestseller list at #12 in an upcoming edition of the Times.
From Seattle Times: Invisibility? Time travel? “Physics of the Impossible” says it may not be far-fetched: “Kaku encourages us to take seriously ideas the world’s great intellects consider crazy, reminding us that these same powerful minds sometimes wonder whether such way-out theories and models of the universe are crazy enough to be true.”