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Follow the Methane! New NASA Strategy for Mars?

The recent discovery of methane on Mars is more than a curiousity. It could be a game changer. For the last three decades, NASA’s Mars exploration program has been based on a single mantra: Follow the water. Where there is water, there might be life. So far, this strategy has come up empty handed. But now, NASA might have to change course and follow the methane.

Three Physicists share Nobel Prize

An American and two Japanese physicists won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work exploring the hidden symmetries among elementary particles that are the deepest constituents of nature. Read a Commentary in Forbes (Beauty is Truth) by Michio Kaku about the award.

Commentary on about LHC

Doomsday-watchers around the world breathed a sign of relief last Wednesday when the LHC was finally turned on and … well … nothing happened.