All Entries Tagged With: "human aging"

What are the long term effects of space travel on the human body? With an eye on Mars, that’s what NASA set out to reveal in it’s "Twins Study" Human Research Program. Four categories of research were split into ten investigations to study and evaluate identical twin astronauts, Scott and Mark Kelly — two individuals who share the same genetics but were subjected to different environments over a period of one year. The preliminary results packed a few surprises. Famed futurist and theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, talks with Kennedy on FOX Business about the study’s most remarkable findings. WATCH NOW!

Who wants to live forever? Human life extension has been the longtime pursuit of many scientists and visionaries. Now, a small Silicon Valley startup called Eternime offers an alternate solution — "digital immortality". What’s it all about? Famed futurist and theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, visits again with Kennedy on FOX Business to talk about human immortality, both virtual and biologic. How long before we figure out a way to do away with death altogether? WATCH NOW!