All Entries Tagged With: "Induced Seismicity"

CBS NEWS science and futurist contributor, Dr. Michio Kaku, joined an all-star panel on CBSN yesterday to discuss the alarming rate of earthquakes rocking the state of Oklahoma. He warned that, if the trend continues as expected, "Oklahoma could go down as the earthquake capital of America." All signs point to the waste water injection activity in the region and especially the escalated volume of waste water involved in the controversial but longstanding practice. Each panelist agreed on the likelihood that the rise in seismic activity is all but certainly man-made. Dr. Kaku warns "When you hamper with Mother Nature, sometimes Mother Nature fights back." WATCH NOW!

Japan, Ecuador, and the entire west coast of the United States all reside on the same tectonic "Ring of Fire". Both Japan and Ecuador just endured three deadly rapid-succession earthquakes. Is the U.S. next? Understanding how these quake sites are connected offers us a better grasp at predicting future seismic surges. CBS NEWS science and futurist contributor, Dr. Michio Kaku, appeared live on CBSN to talk about these recent seismic events and what we need to be thinking about as this activity inevitably continues, potentially closer to home. WATCH NOW!

A new government report shows that seismic activity in parts of the country’s midsection are now as dangerous as in California and Alaska. For the first time ever, government scientists are including man-made quakes on their official earthquake hazard map. Just hours following the release of the report, residents of Crescent, Oklahoma were rattled by a 4.2-magnitude earthquake, perpetuating concerns and raising questions.
CBS News science and futurist contributor Dr. Michio Kaku — also a physics professor at the City University of New York — joins ‘CBS This Morning’ to explain the cause and dangers of these man-made disasters along with solutions for reducing the threat. WATCH NOW!