All Entries Tagged With: "NIGHTLINE"

If you could be among the first human beings ever to step foot on planet Mars, would you go? Before you answer, there’s a major catch: the trip is strictly one-way. Still interested? Then there might be a future for you in space exploration AND reality television… Mars One, a controversial and widely criticized Netherlands-based non-profit company led by Dutch entrepreneur, Bas Lansdorp, plans to land the first humans onto Mars and establish a permanent human colony there by 2025. Bootstrapped by a crowdfunding campaign and reality TV pitch, Mars One is recruiting volunteer amateur space enthusiasts to take the plunge.
Reaction has been split, with many doubting if Lansdorp‘s mission will even launch, much less succeed. Dr. Michio Kaku, famed astrophysicist and known proponent of both private and government funded space exploration is, in this case, among the skeptics. In a recent ABC News NIGHTLINE story profiling the audacious endeavor, Kaku explains, “This has the atmosphere of a circus, where you have amateurs simply raising their hand, volunteering to be the first person on Mars. They have set impossibly unrealistic deadlines and the amount of money that you have to have to go to Mars is incredible, perhaps 50 to several hundred billion dollars. Given the fact that this will be untested technology, I would assume that the failure rate would be about 90 to 95 percent for a mission of this magnitude. In other words, it’s a tragedy waiting to happen.”
Would you take your own ‘giant leap’ against-the-odds on a no-way-back ride to the red planet? Would you leave behind all your earthly attachments to join this unproven ragtag group of true believers? Dr. Kaku encourages you to decide for yourself after you’ve seen the full story on video. WATCH NOW!