All Entries Tagged With: "Physics of Cinema"

Starships. Time Travel. Black holes. Wormholes. Alien civilizations. Hyperspace. Anti-matter drive. Parallel universes.
Physics of Science Fiction (Physics 332) is a course Professor Michio Kaku will be teaching this Spring Semester EXCLUSIVELY for students at The City College of New York (CCNY). It applies physics to explain some of most sensational themes found in science fiction.
This exciting and popular course is taught online by Dr. Kaku, professor of theoretical physics, New York Times best-selling author, TV and radio personality, and co-founder of string field theory. The course uses lectures, slideshows and planetarium shows to explain the cutting edge of science.
Prerequisites: None, except a healthy imagination.
Credits: 3; Online lectures held on Tues & Thurs @ 2pm to 3:15 pm EST, Dr. Kaku then hosts a live online Q&A session via Zoom.
Required reading: Dr. Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible and Hyperspace. One midterm and final.

Star Ships. Time Travel. Black holes. Wormholes. Alien civilizations. Hyperspace. Anti-matter drive. Parallel universes.
Physics of Science Fiction (Physics 332) is a new course which Professor Michio Kaku will be teaching this Fall Semester exclusively for students at The City College of New York (CCNY). It applies physics to explain some of most sensational themes found in science fiction.
This exciting new course is taught online by Dr. Kaku, professor of theoretical physics, NY Times best-selling author, TV and radio personality, and co-founder of string field theory. The course uses lectures, slideshows and planetarium shows to explain the cutting edge of science. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! Sorry, this course is for registered CCNY students only.
Credits: 3; Online lectures held on Tues & Thurs @ 2pm to 3:15 pm, then Dr. Kaku hosts a live online Q&A session via Zoom.
Required reading: Dr. Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible and Hyperspace. One midterm and final.

Fantastic Four, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. In a series of four special featurettes released by 20th Century FOX, legendary physicist Dr. Michio Kaku tells us why there’s more to the science of Fantastic Four than you may expect. The videos feature a healthy amount of new Fantastic Four footage that should whet your appetite for the movie, which hits theaters on August 7th. The first is entitled ‘Alternate Dimensions.’ WATCH NOW!

EXODUS: Gods and Kings, the star-studded biblically-inspired epic film from director, Ridley Scott, opens in theaters today and it’s already making waves.
Speaking of waves, CBS invited Dr. Michio Kaku to offer his assessment, as a theoretical physicist, on the feasibility of parting the waters of the Red Sea, as Moses did in the famous bible story on which the motion picture is based. Can it be done relying only on science, without the aid of divine intervention? CBSN poses the question, "Could Moses really part the Red Sea?" WATCH NOW!
After you’ve parted the waters of EXODUS, travel through a cosmic wormhole in Dr. Kaku’s review (also on CBSN) of the hit sci-fi thriller, INTERSTELLAR.
INTERSTELLAR, the inter-dimensional sci-fi blockbuster movie from acclaimed director, Christopher Nolan, continues to wow audiences and critics alike with mind-bending sights and sounds at the forefront of science and storytelling.
Recently, the feature editors at VARIETY, the premiere Hollywood publication, respected throughout the world of show business professionals since 1905, asked Dr. Michio Kaku to contribute to their annual CONTENDERS Series in a special feature called CONTENDERS: WRITERS ON WRITERS.
Dr. Kaku shares his insights and impressions, not just as a physicist and futurist, but also as an avid moviegoer and bona fide fanatic of science fiction. The special feature is ONLINE NOW and hits print at newsstands this week.
Ready for more outer-worldly adventures?
Fly through the wormhole with this recent video post featuring Dr. Kaku on the SCIENCE OF INTERSTELLAR and a detailed paper that delves still deeper into the mighty mysterious realms of interstellar travel.

INTERSTELLAR has been called one of the most realistic space films ever made. As a CBS News Contributor, Dr. Michio Kaku was recently asked to give his own informed perspective, as a theoretical physicist, assessing how good a job the filmmakers did at the task of aligning their ambitious work of science fiction with the expanding forefront of science fact. WATCH NOW!
For more of Dr. Kaku’s thoughts and observations about The Physics of Interstellar Travel, read this aptly-named classic paper by the man himself.