All Entries Tagged With: "physics of the impossible"

Starships. Time Travel. Black holes. Wormholes. Alien civilizations. Hyperspace. Anti-matter drive. Parallel universes.
Physics of Science Fiction (Physics 332) is a course Professor Michio Kaku will be teaching this Spring Semester EXCLUSIVELY for students at The City College of New York (CCNY). It applies physics to explain some of most sensational themes found in science fiction.
This exciting and popular course is taught online by Dr. Kaku, professor of theoretical physics, New York Times best-selling author, TV and radio personality, and co-founder of string field theory. The course uses lectures, slideshows and planetarium shows to explain the cutting edge of science.
Prerequisites: None, except a healthy imagination.
Credits: 3; Online lectures held on Tues & Thurs @ 2pm to 3:15 pm EST, Dr. Kaku then hosts a live online Q&A session via Zoom.
Required reading: Dr. Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible and Hyperspace. One midterm and final.

Star Ships. Time Travel. Black holes. Wormholes. Alien civilizations. Hyperspace. Anti-matter drive. Parallel universes.
Physics of Science Fiction (Physics 332) is a new course which Professor Michio Kaku will be teaching this Fall Semester exclusively for students at The City College of New York (CCNY). It applies physics to explain some of most sensational themes found in science fiction.
This exciting new course is taught online by Dr. Kaku, professor of theoretical physics, NY Times best-selling author, TV and radio personality, and co-founder of string field theory. The course uses lectures, slideshows and planetarium shows to explain the cutting edge of science. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! Sorry, this course is for registered CCNY students only.
Credits: 3; Online lectures held on Tues & Thurs @ 2pm to 3:15 pm, then Dr. Kaku hosts a live online Q&A session via Zoom.
Required reading: Dr. Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible and Hyperspace. One midterm and final.
SCI-FI SCIENCE: Physics of the Impossible – Series Premieres on the Science Channel – Tuesday, December 1 at 10 PM
Series Premieres on the Science Channel – Tuesday, December 1 at 10 PM
Become a FAN of the show on it’s Facebook Fan Page
Physics of the Impossible Lecture at WGBH and Museum of Science, Boston
April 30th – Museum of Science (Boston) Lecture about Physics of the Impossible
Dr. Kaku’s new book hits #10 on NY Times Paperback NonFiction Best Sellers List
Dr. Kaku’s new paperback version of Physics of the Impossible hits #10 on the NY Times Paperback NonFiction Best Seller list!
Science Channel Announces Multi-Year Agreement With Distinguished Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku
The Science Channel has signed a multi-year agreement with theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku. As part of the deal, the Discovery-owned network will produce a 10-part series based on his New York Times bestselling book Physics of the Impossible.
Physics of the Impossible hits the NY Times Best Seller List
Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku hit the NY Times Bestseller list at #12 in an upcoming edition of the Times.
From Seattle Times: Invisibility? Time travel? “Physics of the Impossible” says it may not be far-fetched: “Kaku encourages us to take seriously ideas the world’s great intellects consider crazy, reminding us that these same powerful minds sometimes wonder whether such way-out theories and models of the universe are crazy enough to be true.”