Today Show appearance speaking about the future of the space program

April 15th, 2010: Michio Kaku tells TODAY’s Matt Lauer that with the cancellation of the Constellation program, the U.S. will lose its status as a leader in space exploration, falling behind Russia and China.

America’s Newsroom (FOX News) appearance about new developments and discoveries surrounding the Large Hadron Collider

A Second Big Bang in Geneva?

Champagne bottles were popped Tuesday in Geneva where the largest science machine ever built finally began to smash subatomic particles together. After 16 years—and an accident that crippled the machine a year and a half ago—the Large Hadron Collider successfully smashed two beams of protons at the astounding energy of 3.5 trillion electron volts apiece. Read More

Russia Takes Aim at Asteroids

Anatoly Perminov, head of the Russian Space Agency, caught scientists off guard when he called for a closed meeting of Russian scientists to counter a killer asteroid headed our way. He said that a potential impact from the asteroid Apothis around 2036 could kill hundreds of thousands of people. Read the entire article on the Wall Street Journal website.

Dr. Kaku to Keynote the Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose, CA (April 26th – 29th)

Richard Nass interviews Dr. Michio Kaku about the content of his Keynote Address at the upcoming Embedded Systems Conference in Silicon Valley (April 26th – 29th San Jose) To find out more about the Conference and information on how to Register – Please visit

Dr. Kaku to be Interviewed by Art Bell (Coast to Coast AM) on 1/29/10

Filling in for George Noory, Art Bell welcomes one of his favorite guests, Dr. Michio Kaku, who’ll discuss his latest work in theoretical physics on 1-29-10. Visit Coast to Coast AM’s Radio Affiliates to find a station near you.

Video Clip from SCI-FI SCIENCE > Light Saber Episode

Video Clip from SCI-FI SCIENCE > Parallel Universes Episode

Medicine in the Year 2060 : Fox News

Interview on Fox & Friends about the recent Discovery of Water on the Moon

Brace for Impact: LHC is Back Online: Fox News

Dr. Kaku comments on NASA’s WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) : Fox News

MSNBC’s Countdown Interview with Lawrence O’Donnell discussing Planet X, 2012 & Water on the Moon

CBS Interview about Conspiracy Theories surrounding the Large Hadron Collider project

SCI-FI SCIENCE: Physics of the Impossible – Series Premieres on the Science Channel – Tuesday, December 1 at 10 PM


Explore the world of the seemingly impossible with the all-new series SCI FI SCIENCE. Hosted by internationally-renowned physicist and co-founder of string field theory, Dr. Michio Kaku, this series poses the idea that science fiction may not be so far from science fact. Examine topics that currently seem so far out of the realm of possibility, such as invisibility cloaks, teleportation, time travel and more.
Series Premieres on the Science Channel – Tuesday, December 1 at 10 PM
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Deepak Chopra and Dr. Michio Kaku Discuss the Future on SIRIUS XM Radio