BBC Time Series (5 Clips) EARTH TIME

Our awareness that time stretches back long before we were born, and will continue to stretch into the future long after we’re gone, lies at the heart of our humanity. Without this sense we couldn’t learn from the past, and wouldn’t plan for the future But where did we come from, and where are we going in time? Every culture mythologises time and attempts to answer the ultimate questions: was there a beginning? And will there be an end?

BBC Time Series (5 Clips) LIFETIME

Why is our time limited? And does it have to be? Could our age-old dream of immortality ever be possible? In episode two, Michio Kaku explores these questions and meets some of the key people involved in the cutting-edge research into ageing. He travels to the amazing Methuselah tree, which is almost 5000 years old and still producing new pine cones. He discovers that time does get faster as you get older and, under hypnosis, he goes in search of his lost time, stored as memories. But it only proves that lost time is really gone forever.

BBC Time Series (5 Clips) DAYTIME

We humans seem to run to the beat of time, often without being aware of how this is the case or how our perception of it may differ from another person’s, from nature’s rhythms or from our own internal clock. In the first episode of the series, string theory pioneer Michio Kaku witnesses one of the most extraordinary feats of timing in nature on a remote Californian beach.

BBC: On Religious Immortality > From TIME Series

TechTV’s Big Thinkers

Part 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4

TechTV’s Big Thinkers

Part 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4

Screensavers Interview about Artificial Intelligence

Interview on the Screensavers with Leo Laporte about the future of Computers and Artificial Intelligence .

Attack of the Show Interview

Chris Gore from G4TV’s Attack of the Show interviews Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of physics at the City University of New York — and gets a lesson in the real science of Star Wars.

Quantum Teleporting, Yes; the Rest Is Movie Magic

In a battle waged with popcorn, floodlights, chalk and star power, science and art squared off at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology one night last month in regards to the upcoming film Jumper.

Gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132 — a cosmic fossil?

The elliptical galaxy NGC 1132, seen in this latest image from Hubble, belongs to a category of galaxies called giant ellipticals. The small galaxies surrounding it are dubbed a fossil group.

Embryos Created With DNA From 3 People

British scientists say they have created human embryos containing DNA from two women and a man in a procedure that researchers hope might be used one day to produce embryos free of inherited diseases.

Nanotechnology: Entirely New Way Of Storing Gas Created

A new process for catching gas from the environment and holding it indefinitely in molecular-sized containers has been developed.

Just How Nasty Is Space Food?

Astronauts flying the space shuttle or working the International Space Station (ISS) can choose among 180 food and beverage items.

Cool spacedust survey goes into orbit

University of Nottingham astronomers will be studying icy cosmic dust millions of light years away using the biggest space telescope ever built.

Tiny camera implanted inside a mouse?s brain

Japanese researchers have implanted a small camera inside a mouse?s brain to see how memory is formed, in an experiment they hope someday to apply to humans to treat illnesses.

String Theory Gets a Boost

Among the scientific theories that excite a great deal of controversy are those theories that deal with strings. And the idea of cosmic strings gets as much play as any in scientific circles.