Parallelism allows industry to keep up with Moore?s Law

Currently, chip speeds have topped out at a little under 4 gigahertz (4 billion cycles per second) because they get hotter as they run faster, and at higher speeds they fry themselves.

NASA Remembers Three Space Tragedies

The end of January marks a somber time for NASA with the anniversary of the three major tragedies in the history of U.S. spaceflight.

Lab-made genome gives new life to ethics debate

The feat marks an historic, and controversial, milestone in the fledgling field known as synthetic biology. It uses chunks of synthetic DNA like Lego blocks, with an aim to creating life forms that can be genetically programmed to perform useful tasks.

Theory of Global Warming Well Established

The world’s largest society of Earth and space scientists has released a new statement on climate change that unequivocally names human activity as the cause of global warming.

Giant Storms Erupt on Jupiter

Two giant plumes erupted recently on Jupiter, moving faster than any other Jovian feature and leaving global streaks of red cloud particles in their wake.

Microchips Everywhere: a Future Vision

Microchips with antennas will be embedded in virtually everything you buy, wear, drive and read, allowing retailers and law enforcement to track consumer items – and, by extension, consumers – wherever they go, from a distance.

Asteroid To Make Rare Close Flyby Of Earth January 29

Scientists are monitoring the orbit of asteroid 2007 TU24. The asteroid, believed to be between 150 meters (500 feet) and 610 meters (2,000 feet) in size, is expected to fly past Earth on Jan. 29.

Teach your brain to stretch time

Over the past few years, neuroscientists have started probing the brain’s timing mechanisms using measurements of electrical activity and imaging techniques such as fMRI. Read More

Camera In A Pill Offers Cheaper, Easier Window On Your Insides

What if swallowing a pill with a camera could detect the earliest signs of cancer? The tiny camera is designed to take high-quality, color pictures in confined spaces.

US scientists close to creating artificial life

US scientists have taken a major step toward creating the first ever artificial life form by synthetically reproducing the DNA of a bacteria.

New technique allows fast printing of microscopic electronics

A new technique for printing extraordinarily thin lines quickly over wide areas could lead to larger, less expensive and more versatile electronic displays as well new medical devices, sensors and other technologies.

1,000 Genomes Project: Expanding the Map of Human Genetics

The number of sequenced human genomes will soon swell to more than 1,000 as part of a new international research consortium’s effort to trace the potential genetic origins of disease.

Virgin Galactic Unveils Spaceship

A select group of rich tourists may be blasting into space within a few years in a craft that looks like a cross between a corporate jet and something out of science fiction.

World’s Best Microscope Can Produce Images Less Than Diameter Of Single Hydrogen Atom

TEAM 0.5 – The world’s most powerful transmission electron microscope capable of producing images less than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom.

Future of Top U.S. Particle Physics Lab in Jeopardy

The 2008 high-energy physics budget passed by Congress in December took away funds to pursue research into the proposed International Linear Collider, shown here in a cut-away schematic

Nanotubes Go With the Flow

Carbon nanotubes are attractive candidates for use as the active elements in the next generation of electronic devices. However, it has proven incredibly difficult to align nanotubes within device architectures.